Custom splints will be selected and fabricated, as required, for support, protection, pain relief, function, and mobilization.
Brace and Splint Examples
Our braces and splints are fabricated based on your needs.

Used after a ulnar nerve injury to prevent PIPJ flexion contracture

Used for PIPJ flexion contractures, boutonniere deformities

Used at night to treat cubital tunnel (ulnar nerve compression at the elbow) Anti Claw SplintAnti-Claw Splint

Used to regain functional use of the hand after a radial nerve injury

Used for regaining supination and pronation of the forearm

Used to open first web space if contracted and also to prevent contracture

Used for mallet injuries (extensor tendon injury) of fingers and thumb

Used for finger fractures, PIPJ flexion contractures, boutonniere deformities

Used to treat Dupuytrens Disease post surgery

Used for arthritis, swollen hands, contracted hands

Used to isolate flexor tendon gliding

Used to regain functional use of the hand after a radial nerve injury

Used to regain flexion of one or all three finger joints. Can be used after healed metacarpal and finger fractures, distal radius fractures, crush injuries, digit replantations

Used to regain movement of the joints of the thumb

Used for metacarpal fractures

Used for carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist surgeries, wrist tenosynovitis, wrist ganglions